How artificial intelligence affects resumes and job searches | Expert column
You can’t open a business publication nowadays without talk of artificial intelligence and machine learning. These applications affect every aspect of business, including job searches and the hiring process. First, what exactly is artificial intelligence? Simply defined in the dictionary, it is the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally […]

How to Best Help Students With Job Searches
When I was a graduate student instructor, students wanted more from me than just knowledge of the course material. They came to my office hours asking about everything from budgeting to finding an internship to interviewing for their dream jobs. They trusted me as an authority, as many students trust their instructors. It’s unsurprising, then, […]

Why employers should be optimizing job ads for mobile
You’ve probably heard it at talent acquisition conferences , in industry articles, and maybe even from your boss: Mobile recruiting is on the rise, and it’s time to adapt. But new Glassdoor research has shown that mobile use in the job search isn’t just around the corner—it is decidedly […] Click here to view original […]